| February 21st, 2018
Confirmations & Unfinished Business
By: journeymagazine

By|Aliyah Glover
Student Government Association held a senate meeting this week where some confirmations were held. The 47th student senate started tonight’s session just as any other. Call to order, Moment of Dedication, Alma Mater/Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call/Verification of Quorum.
The senate meeting consisted of the placement of the university’s SGA vice president Dajuh Sawyer. Acting elections & appointments committee chair Jerimiah Carter instructed that she received a 2-minute opening 10-minute Q&A and a 2-minute closing.
“I’ve probably served in every student capacity except for SGA president and vice president,” said the St. Petersburg native.
“I love to serve; I love being on teams and helping things come together.”
She was voted in by our senate chairs 17 for and 1 abstention. Ms. Sawyer was then sworn in by William Hudson, the vice president of student affairs.
I aspire to become the first female mayor of the city of St. Petersburg Fl.

Dajuh Sawyer taking the oath of office.
‘’How would you effectively execute programs and programs for the executive branch as vice president,”asked Carter. Her response was addressed to the senate and to the audience.
“Myself and president Harrison had a meeting so I can become familiar with what was already going on,”Sawyer said. I would never want to come in and start doing stuff. I needed to get the vision that was already in place.”
“I plan to come in with only 3 months left to help and be a part of the process of executing really great things academically and socially, for student who are here to learn and have a great time; and for freshman to remember a great spring semester.”
SGA president Devin Harrison is looking forward to working with Ms. Sawyer.
“I am stoked to close out the year on the right note,” said Harrison.
Also, another precinct supervisor was appointed in by the senate. Markeesha Saint-Ford, senior Biology Pre-Med student. After undergoing a series of questions by the acting E&A chair, there was a motion to accept the candidate. They then moved to a roll call vote where Saint-Ford received 18 for and 0 oppositions. She will be the supervisor of the Grand BallRoom voting site.
“This is something that was different for me. I’ve never been a part of student government before or a part of any organizations on campus at all so this all Is a new experience and I’m excited about it,”said Saint-Ford.
Saint-Ford will be overseeing and managing the overall tasks, activities and poll workers in the polling place, (grand ballroom). She must be able to demonstrate a working knowledge of laws, voting system operations, polling place procedures, problem-solving and conflict resolution skills.
Elections are being held February 20th 8am-6pm.
After the confirmation were complete they moved down the agenda to Unfinished Business where they will continue with what was left from last week’s meeting like the allocation process to the organizations around campus. The night started off with around $131,000 left for allocations and after tonight’s proceedings, the running total is around $50,000 left for allocations this semester.