| February 18th, 2018
A Look Into Professors Quiet Spring Breaks
By: journeymagazine

Photo Curtsey of Erica Mazur of Readingkingdom.com
Spring break is the time when many students trade in their pens and laptops for bikinis and Vodka. Friday’s 11:59 deadline is now a thing of the past and the LITTEST turn-up is the only thing that is on students minds. But has anyone every stopped to question what do Professors do on their spring break? After all it’s their get-a-way from class work to.
Professors spend all majority of the school year creating lesson plans, teaching and grading career defining assignments to make sure they send their university’s top performers out into the workforce. But everyone deservers a breather at some point.
FAMU’s Intro to psychology Professor, Dr.Seward Hamilton says spring break comes at the perfect time every year and is a much needed break because it gives him a chance to clear his mind.
“When I first started teaching a long while ago, I use to hit the break just as hard as the students” Said Dr.Hamilton “Now-a-days I just look forward to getting lost in a book and staying away from any work pertaining to school while also staying away from any beach, hotel or airport I might see students at. ”
Running into students over your long awaited break is not ideal for any professor, and it could be a horrible encounter for students as well. An encounter Shavarria Capers, A Tallahassee Community College Criminal Justice Students knows all too well.
“Last spring break, I could not believe that I ran into my professor at the Florida Mall in Orlando.” Said Capers “I never really cared for what they [Professors] did on their break. But I also never thought I run into mine either.”
Although Capers did not actually exchange greetings with the professor during the break she admits that even seeing him from a distance outside of Tallahassee was a bit weird.
However, weird or not Educators are humans too and just like their scholars, they simply cannot wait to be completely free of job related duties for a week. Professors can sometimes be dehumanized by students because of their constant reinforcing-robot-like teaching style. The repetitive act of standing at a podium daily, drilling information into students head is enough to wear anyone down.
One would think a soothing private beach getaway would be ideal for anyone. But some professors say they much rather be in the comfort of their own home then, to be listening to the calming crashes of waves.
In fact FAMU’s Journalism Professor Kalisha Whitman, said her spring break will resembles that of a retired person. Chilling out, and doing nothing.
“Sometimes I believe the students think I live some celebrity type professor life.” Said Whitman “But, honestly I’m just a county woman at heart. I love to chill, cook and be free. Last spring break I worked. I went to school everyday to plan the FAMU NABJ Short Course. I’m glad I did. It was successful. But i’m choosing to tone it down this year and just simply rest at home.”
Although no one is privy to the Salaries of these university employees, It is often assumed that they make the big bucks so that they can take the Vacations they want and or deserves. While that might be true, most professors wants nothing more than to be left along with the time-off that they’ve earned. Whether that means reading books, watching Jeopardy or just sleeping in, one thing is for sure students won’t be involved!