| March 1st, 2018
Car How To
By: journeymagazine

By| Brianna Hicks
With the semester ending and summer quickly approaching, the sand and beach are continually buzzing in everyone’s ear. The checklist is almost complete with the necessities to hit the road. Everyone knows someone who has ignored that light flashing on the dashboard. Do not be that person anymore- read these tips to keep that ride – actually riding.
The first tip is to avoid riding the car on empty. Yes, we know that times do get hard and it’s difficult being a college student. The best advice is to try to keep the tank at least half full. Keeping the tank at least half way allows for breathing room when funds may be low or when it is hard to get to the gas station. Also be sure to use the specified gas type for the vehicle. Mason Mcbride, former Florida A&M University student said “[he] always tries to keep enough gas in the car, just in case he has to up and go on an emergency trip.”
The next tip is to make sure to stay up to date on oil changes. Getting an oil change is essential because it keeps the engine cool and able to function without overheating. Oil is a lubricant therefor it allows for the components in the engine to be flexible and prevents them from warping and eventually breaking down. It is also important to know which oil your vehicle needs. FAMU/FSU has partnered with Super-lube to offer discounts to students and employees. Superlube does oil changes, transmission flushes, car washes as well as other services. Always make sure your car is up to date on tune-ups and that all components are free-flowing. Before hitting the highway, stop by one of the 19 locations even for just questions regarding your vehicle.
Kyana Harris, a student at FSU, says she learned her lesson the hard way and would not wish her consequences on anyone else. “I ignored the tire light on the dashboard, just because I did not know what to do. Next thing I knew I was rushing out the house one day and came to a complete halt when I saw my tire was flat. Now I was late to my exam, and I had a flat tire”.
Never ignore a tire light on the dashboard. The indicator is usually red or yellow and shows a tire with an exclamation mark. This signifies that there is a tire that may potentially have a leak or the cap on the tire is not on correctly, cause air to seep out of the tire. It is always important to check tire pressure. For proper instruction take the vehicle to the nearest mechanic who can tell if there is a need for air or something more serious. In the winter months in Tallahassee, tires tend to decrease in PSI, resulting in a tire indicator light. It is imperative to peek in on them at least once a month. Another aspect of tires is to keep them rotated regularly to reduce the wear and tear on them.
The final tip is to keep your car taken care of- whatever that means to you. Proper, routine car maintenance is vital to avoid major repair bills and keep your vehicle running reliably for many years, said Consumerreport.org. Set aside the funds and time to make sure your car feels loved. A car is like a human- when it feels loved, it loves you back. Take care of your vehicle. Wash it, keep the oil changed, feed it with proper fuel. Now that you have checked out these tips, and fulfilled all responsibilities to keep that bad boy running, you can now get on the road and enjoy that trip. Buckle up, drive the speed limit, watch other vehicles and have fun.