Arts | October 22nd, 2024
Dynamic Duo: Rising Stars Taking Over the Game
By: Willie Hurt | Staff Writer

Star Bandz and Sugarhill Ddot have made waves in the music scene and have reached rap stardom, while both are just 16 years old. Star Bandz is a female rapper raised in the south suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. She has emerged in fame due to her mastery of the drill flow and her energy and personality, which makes her music radiate. Sugarhill Ddot is a male rapper and singer raised in Harlem, New York. He has a very versatile sound, from melodic to aggressive, and he allows his music to be a way for him to share his experiences and show his audience how it has shaped him to his current state.
The two artists first met due to their song “My Baby,” which they collaborated on earlier this year. Star Bandz was sent the song initially, and after adding her verse, Sugarhill Ddot reached out to let her know that he knew they had a hit on their hands. The two first met each other at the shoot for the video, and since being around each other, they have been cliquing ever since. The two released the video on YouTube two months ago, and it currently has a little less than 10 million views. Star Bandz discussed their friendship and how they got to where they are presently.
“We just became really cool as we shot the video and stuff like that, and then we continued to be around each other, and that is how all this came about,” said Ddot.
The two artists began to make music a few years ago, with Sugarhill Ddot releasing his first song, “DOAK,” in 2021, while Star Bandz released her first song, “New Hook,” in 2022. Both are from cities with a long history of producing legends, so one can only wonder what type of influence their city artists have on their sound.
Star Bandz explained that she didn’t model her style behind anyone specifically but that she noticed connections between things she does and other rappers from Chicago.
“I would say I give it to Chief Keef on the drill side just because he started it,” said Bandz.
Sugarhill Ddot discussed how his favorite artist is Lil Durk and how their origins allow him to connect to his music on a deeper level.
“I’m not even from Chicago, but my favorite rapper is my son Durk. I like Durk because I’m from the trenches, and this ain’t come right away, and he talks for people like me about ones who came from nothing,” said Ddot.
Sugarhill Ddot released his debut album, “2 Sides of the Story,” in August, his first album release of the year, as he hadn’t dropped one since 2023. The album included artists like Skilla Baby, Hxncho, Luh Tyler, PnB Rock, and BBG Steppaa.
Star Bandz recently collaborated with Veeze to remix her hit song “Yea Yea” and is a feature on BabyChiefDoIt’s album, “ANIMALS ONLY.” Star Bandz has a project ready that she plans on releasing soon, along with other pieces she has for later.
“I got my EP together right now. I got all the songs lined up on there. I’m planning on dropping it at the beginning of November, right before I go on the Mr. Ski tour. Then, every year on my birthday, I drop something.”
The future looks bright for the two artists as both are signed under Priority Records, and significant artists are taking recognition to the two early on in their careers. Star Bandz and Sugarhill Ddot are two of the faces of the next generation of music, and they hope to inspire kids to chase their dreams. Star Bandz discussed her impact on kids and how it makes her feel.
“I noticed I have a big influence on kids, and I realize I have a lot of kids that look up to me, and that makes me happy, and I think that is one of the biggest highlights I have right now. “
This is only the beginning of what promises to be a legendary career, so keep your eyes out for the two as the young superstars are rising fast.