| October 4th, 2016
FAMU Students and Faculty React to First 2016 Presidential Debate
By: journeymagazine

Words by Tiana Jones
Florida A&M students and staff had plenty to say after watching the first debate between presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Monday night.
The debate started off with questions on creating jobs and tax plans. Trump spoke of cutting taxes for the wealthy, while Clinton plans to increase taxes for the wealthy to better the economy.
The debate also dove into racial relations. Trump brought up the controversial use of Stop and Frisk and the need for “law and order.” Clinton, on the other hand, suggested restoring trust between the communities and police.
“I feel like Hillary did have better solutions to racial inequality for this country than Trump,” senior occupational therapy student La’Porsha Coston said. “All he talked about was ‘law and order,’ which clearly doesn’t fight for justice…all it’s doing is letting police get away with murder.”
For some students this debate was an eye opener to what policies the candidates have in place once they become president.
Collin Winn, a senior information technology student, said this debate affirmed whom he is going to vote for this upcoming election.
“I feel this debate answered some of my unanswered questions as well as showed me how each candidate will react in pressured situations,” Winn said.
“What I saw Clinton do that I didn’t see Trump do was answer the question and back it up. Clinton actually provided answers and solutions. I agree with the terms she put in place. I am certain who I will vote for because Trump brought statistics to the table and was easily discredited on many occasions, proving I can’t trust his word.”
The candidates traded punches in similar fights. Clinton pressured Trump to release his tax returns, but Trump continued to attack Clinton on the use of a private email address.
FAMU professor Melverton Walters, felt like Trump was bullying Clinton and didn’t give her time to finish her answers.
“Hillary was giving some good responses based off of what she knew [from her] previous husband’s presidential era and experience as Secretary of State,” Walters said.
“She tried to appeal to the people as much as she could without being negative, but she wasn’t able to finish any of her thoughts because of Trump. It was almost like she was being attacked, and it became more of an argument then a debate.”
The next scheduled presidential debates on October 4 and October 19.