Campus Life | February 15th, 2021
FAMU’s Finest: Ty’Daja Rodriguez Prioritizes Purpose Above All Else
By: Vincent Jones

Ty’Daja Rodriguez is a thoughtful and affectionate woman who is looking for the right person to build a future with.
Empowered by her past experiences, Rodriguez has dedicated most of her campus involvement to motivate women while ensuring her own success in the process. Between her aspirations and future endeavors, she is interested in finding somebody just as sweet and family-oriented as she is.
“My hospitality is what really makes me who I am and I get that from my family,” said Rodriguez. “You have to value your family, our generation is starting to lose our touch in how we interact with our families and I do not want to fall into that stigma. Hopefully my partner’s family will become my family, and vice versa. It’s about having a good head on your shoulders and being respectable.”
Rodriguez is a part of the LGBTQ community and she empathizes strongly with the idea of being in a relationship where she is comfortable and can be her true self. She is not the type of woman that will distance herself from her partner if the connection that they share was built on a strong foundation to grow from.
“I am a lover girl and I love the idea of love itself,” she said. “Finding love is one of the true joys of becoming an adult and I believe we all have a soulmate who is meant for you. I adore the idea of coming home to my wife and kids and showing them how much I care for them through my actions.”
In a relationship, Rodriguez is looking for someone who is in tune spiritually and is focused on something more important than simply living this life with no end purpose.
“I am in no way telling someone what or who to believe in but I do want someone who believes in a being higher than yourself,” she said. “It is really important to me because if you do not think you are headed anywhere after death I am not sure if I can pursue a long term relationship with you.”
In addition to spirituality, Rodriguez needs someone who is willing to fight and work for the relationship.
“You have to be giving and caring and part of that is being able to talk through any situation,” she said. “Life is too short and I do not like being on bad terms. We can bump heads but let’s communicate and move forward. We are too old to not express ourselves because somethings are mere miscommunication.”
Rodriguez is in search of someone outgoing. She values quality time and spontaneous actions that keep the excitement present. Going on dates that are lively and entertaining are imperative to have a successful date with Rodriguez.
“I’m childish in a sense so I enjoy interactive dates like laser tag or rock climbing,” she said. “I love a traditional dinner and a movie but I enjoy doing adventurous activities. Traveling and finding different avenues to explore is something that genuinely makes me happy and if I can’t have fun with you then I cannot be with you.”
Rodriguez is a genuine woman and wants to be remembered for being unapologetically herself in every aspect of the word and making a difference in this world. She is ready for a compassionate partner who is ready to seek all of what love has to offer.