| March 6th, 2018
February heat warms more than hearts
By: journeymagazine

By| Brianna Hicks
The month of February was not only full of love – it was full of heat. February was a warm month that kept everyone on their toes. On average the weather for the month of February was around 65 degrees. This is fairly warm compared to average temperatures that can fall between 30 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
According to data presented by the National Weather Service, Tallahassee had its warmest February since 1949. The month held ever changing weather. Some days reflected average February temperatures while others felt more like a summer day. Some attribute the change to climate changes and some say the weather is just wonky and does not know what it wants to do
Visitors to the area noticed the change and questioned if it was February or July. Jay Wilson who is visiting the Tallahassee area noticed the abnormal weather. “I usually make December through February the months I visit. It is usually great weather filled with nice breezes and nippy weather. I was here for a week and sweated more than a hog.”
There has been an increase in talks about global warming and some residents feel that the wonky weather is a result of the warming. According to National Geographic, global warming is defined as the planet heating up and heating up fast. President Trump does not believe in the change but many do.
Shaheim Pearson, longtime Tallahassee resident said this has been a rough month. Pearson said” I like the hot weather but this month has been rough, being in a career where I work outside”. Pearson is a construction worker and knows first hand how this heat has impacted residents.
The warm weather did not stop the influx of snowbirds however. Tad and Annette Mclanahan made their yearly trip to sunny Florida from New York and made sure to stop and see a game over at Doak Campbell stadium. They watched as FSU hosted Orlando Pride in a soccer scrimmage on Wednesday night. The Mclanahan’s noticed the heat but thought it was beautiful. “We love it. Yes it is warmer than usual but compared to up north this is a blessing and we love it. We get to enjoy a game of soccer and sunny Florida.”
As the year continues, be reminded to be kind to the planet and keep good hygiene. Earnest Hoffman, a physician here at FAMU says he has experienced the influx in patients with complaints of allergies. “We have seen a lot of patients developing seasonal allergies- especially those who have never had allergies before. Students from the north are complaining of dry coughs and itchy throats”
Summer is approaching or as some would say it is already here. Remember to stay hydrated and keep a good hand washing regime. Be kind to mother nature and she will return the favor.