| March 6th, 2018
Senate elects new positions and talks about future events
By: journeymagazine

By| Monica Myrick
The board of the Student Government Association held its weekly meeting yesterday evening in the student chambers to discuss upcoming events and to appoint new senate positions.
Laid out were refreshments for faculty and students to enjoy.
Student senators discussed a future women’s empowerment week that will take place from March 19th through March 23rd. The week of events is meant to uplift women from Monday’s “Yoga on the Quad” to Saturday’s “lady’s luxury dinner”.
There were other events discussed from the annual Cram Jam to a possible gubernatorial forum that will get FAMU students more active politically.
Newly elected SGA vice president, Deja Sawyer says, “I will like to work on student leaders being more present on campus”.
The meeting continued with a mini election for freshmen and senior senate positions. The students got a chance to go up and give a brief speech on why they should be elected.
After the speeches, each candidate was asked a series of questions about the Student Government Association. Each student answered with little hesitation, proving themselves for the positions.
“My initiative is to actually get out there and work with the student body”, says Veronica Smalls, a 4th year Business student from Tallahassee, Florida. She stood at the podium eager in front of a crowd of students, vying for the position of New Deputy Secretary of State. Soon after, Smalls was informed that she won the opening and would need to stay for the rest of the meeting.
Students also had the chance to fight for other positions. Tarik Siddeq won Deputy Secretary of Economic Development. Theresa Jean- Louis and Corrie Watt also won the only two spots open for Freshman Senator.
The current E Branch welcomed the new members with open arms and slight humor, and the room was lit with excitement for what some would say are new beginnings.
“It feels good to know the meetings are open. Call me nosey, but I need to know what’s going on”, says Jhourdan Allen, freshman Psychology student at Florida A&M University.
The next Senate meeting will take place on Thursday March 1st and according to President Devin Harrison, most senate meetings are open to the student body, and he recommends every student participate.