| March 8th, 2018
Solar Power Options in Tallahassee
By: journeymagazine

By| Destiny McIntosh
Going green and reducing your carbon footprint one step at a time. The City of Tallahassee is now offering solar power for local residents.
The city of Tallahassee is now offering greener friendly ways to help you and your family reduce your carbon trail. How it works, customers will receive all of the benefits of solar energy without having to deal with the hassle and risk of your own panel.
With these panels families and Tallahassee residents will began to see a decrease in their electricity bills. Based on the fuel markets customers would have a fixed fuel rate of .05 cents per kilowatt hour for the years to come according to the City of Tallahassee.
“I think having solar powered panels are a great idea. About time the city does something positive for the area and the planet. Instead of bogus campaigns why not invest in the community. I am currently on the waiting list now because I did not think people would actually sign up. But just help out where you can it could always save a tree here or there,” said Melissa Cox said, a Tallahassee utility customer.
Even if resident change locations as long as they are using solar energy and remain an electric utility customer the services can be transferred. Customers that decide to not participate in such services are more than welcome to discontinue their solar energy service If they want free of charge but will no longer be eligible for these services again.
But unlike Ms. Cox not all Tallahassee residents are ecstatic for the solar panels the city is now providing. “Why should I have to pay for natural resources, I may as well pay the city for breathing fresh air too. The entire thing is a rip off in my eyes. Why would the city offer something to so called help the residents but turn around and charge extreme taxes for the use of the panels. Would it really make sense is the real question. It is almost like having a surcharge for the use of the sunlight. I do not plan on signing up or even giving it a chance,” Tedra Cooper said, a local utility customer.
Orgis energy will be teaming with local Tallahassee workers to complete this project. Early enrolment may have ended but for more information contact the City of Tallahassee Utilities.