| November 9th, 2016
Student Senate Votes to Impeach Junior Senator Patricia Brathwaite
By: journeymagazine

Words By: Kiara Whitehead
At the Nov. 7th meeting of the 46th Student Senate a vote to impeach Junior Senator Patricia Brathwaite was taken.
The Senate’s Judicial and Rules Committee (JRC) unanimously recommended that Graduate Senator Marquise Miller’s motion to impeach Braithwaite be accepted.
McMiller, in a Nov. 2 letter to the JRC, outlined a 5-count indictment against Brathwaite and provided evidence of her alleged wrongdoings.
The indictments all accused Braithwaite of breaching the ethics code outlined in Title XIV of the Florida A&M University System of Student Body Statues.
The indictment cited misconduct against two campus organizations: The Royal Court of the Alpha Eta Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Incorporated, as well as the Florida A&M University Chapter of Phi Alpha Delta International Law Fraternity Incorporated.
The president of the Alpha Eta Chapter Theodis President addressed the senate at the Nov 7th meeting to support the impeachment of Braithwaite.
“Today, I do not stand here to clarify what happened but instead to make it clear that Ms. Brathwaite is in clear violation of the Student Body Statutes and the Florida Statutes, “said President.
President echoed the claims of the indictment saying that Braithwaite defamed his chapter as well as himself on social media. President also cited text messages and direct messages between Brathwaite and himself, which were also submitted as evidence in the indictment. In the messages Braithwaite, allegedly, questioned the sexual orientation of a brother of Alpha Eta and also made slanderous remarks to President and the unknown student in reference to her position on the Alpha Eta Royal Court.
President also referenced the court case that Brathwaite brought against the Alpha Eta chapter as evidence. In August Braithwaite sued Alpha Eta in Leon County Small Claims Court after her removal by the chapter from their Royal Court.Screenshot from Braithwaite's Personal Facebook Page
The Judicial Rules Committee also presented evidence on behalf of the Florida A&M University Chapter of Phi Alpha Delta. The evidence alleges that Brathwaite illegally investigated the law fraternity in reference to a trip the organization took to Atlanta, in October, for a law forum
McMiller stated that Brathwaite’s investigation was unlawful since no allocated funds were used for the trip. “Her accusations against this organization poses a risk to the integrity of that organization because they are in-fact a law fraternity wrongfully accused of breaking the law,” said McMiller.
McMiller also claimed that Brathwaite continued her illegal investigation even after the JRC and Senate President Brandon Johnson concluded that the senate had no jurisdiction over the organization.
McMiller eventually requested a Student Supreme Court writ of injunction to force her to cease her investigation on the grounds that Brathwaite is seeking to become a member of Phi Alpha Delta and the committee making her investigation a conflict of interest according to the ethics code in the Student Body Statutes.
The three other indictments cited incidents with other senators and multiple failed mediations with the University Ombudsman between Brathwaite and SGA officials. Evidence of the indictments included a video Brathwaite posted to Facebook that slandered the Judicial and Rules Committee, the video has since been removed.
Brathwaite sent an email denouncing each of McMiller’s indictment counts. “All of these counts are subjective and defames character, as they give off the idea that I am neither a good person nor a good senator,” said Brathwaite in the email.
Brathwaite also alleged that she was not given the opportunity to respond to the allegations to the JRC, which she is a member of, because the meeting was not held at the normal meeting time thus she was unable to make it.
During the meeting Brathwaite was allowed to address the senate floor. “I’ve done a lot for the senate and a lot for SGA. I don’t think these allegations should be the reason I’m removed from office,” said Brathwaite.
Also during her address to the senate Brathwaite requested a leave of absence for the remainder of the Fall semester.
“At this point I am tired of fighting, I can fight all of this, but I need to have a leave of absence to think about myself, “said Brathwaite.
The senate voted after hearing all the evidence against Brathwaite. The vote came to a 12-6 decision to impeach with 13 members abstaining.
According to the claims of the indictment as well as the evidence brought against Brathwaite during themeeting she violated various parts of the ethics code. Specifically, she violated:
Title XIV; Chapter 1301; Section 1301.1; Articles A&B
- No student government official shall participate in any student government activity which would place that person in a position where there may be a conflict between a private interest and the interest of the student body.
- A conflict of interest shall be any situation in which regard for a private/personal interest may lead to a disregard of a public duty or interest.
Title XIV; Chapter 1302; Articles A&B
- At all times think in terms of “students first,” always determining things in the light of how they affect the student in his/her education and college experience;
- Equally represent and pursue the interests of all students regardless of race, nationality, religion, personal interest, sexual preference, disability, age, political affiliation, or gender;
Title XIV; Chapter 1303; Article D
- State all personal opinions as such and speak on behalf of the Student Government Association only if asked to do so by the appropriate authority.
Title XIV; Chapter 1304; Article C
- Respect and follow the Fang (Student Code of Conduct), the Student Body Constitution, the System of Student Body Statutes, and this Ethics Code as he/she would observe his/her own personal morals and ethics.
The impeachment proceedings have officially been brought against Brathwaite but she will retain her position as a senator until her trial is completed. The Student Body Statues state that she must be brought before the Student Supreme Court and if found guilty a removal referendum be held before she is officially removed from office.