| March 8th, 2018
Opinion: on being a Black queen
By: journeymagazine

By| Brianna Hicks
In a society where black women are often stereotyped as being ugly and ratchet, Black women, have joined together to fight back. In a recent study done by Nielsen, it showed that Black women are the fastest-growing group of female entrepreneurs. This accomplishment has been a long time coming for African American women.
Some attribute the success of black women to their ancestors. Some attribute it to power. It comes from the generations of sweat and tears produced to create a bloodline of magic, grace, and success. Black pioneers like Zora Neale Hurston, Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama have paved the way for little girls from here on out.
Carolyn Battle said she always makes sure that her young black queens know they are valuable. “In a society where Black women are often ridiculed for the lightness or darkness of their skin, it is pertinent that I teach my girls that they are beautiful, they are powerful and most importantly that they can change the world.”, said Battle.
To be a Black woman, it entails the kinks and curls of one’s hair, the fierceness in her eyes and the drive in her heart. Black women are the backbone of black culture, pulling the weight to make sure her children are thriving. Best said by Ava Duvernay,“Black Girl Magic is a rallying call for recognition. Embedded in every day is a magnificence that is so easy to miss because we’re so mired in the struggle and what society says we are.”
Sabrina Petit-Homme described being a Black woman as being ‘unbreakable.’ Petit-Homme said “Growing up in a small town where being dark-skin was looked at so negatively, broke me down. My self-esteem was so low because I was not considered pretty and to be a girl on the heavier side did not make it any better. It was not until I watched the movie ‘for colored girls’ that I realized that I was beautiful and only my feelings mattered when it came to my happiness.”
Black women know they deserve better, which is why they strive for the best. Black girl magic is the epitome of style, grace, beauty and doesn’t forget aging backward. “I don’t know everything. I know a fraction of what there is to know, and I don’t think I will ever know everything, but it’s important to me to constantly challenge myself, to understand different viewpoints, really understanding nuance in topics, so I can feel qualified in what I say, so I’m not preaching falsely of what I’m unaware of,” said Shonda Rimes. Black women have power and its time to take it back.
Art by Eleese Bennett